
Ansible is an open-source software application written in Python, automating the management of remote systems and controlling their desired state.


Ansible Vault encrypts variables, in order to protect sensitive content such as passwords or keys, rather than leaving it visible as plaintext into configuration files.

Refer to the Ansible documentation, for usage of encrypted variables and files.

This repository uses a global password for all encrypted settings, allowing the end-user to securely input the global password during the playbook execution, which will implicitly decrypt all encrypted settings with Ansible Vault.


Example of ansible_password variable encryption, with ansible-vault command:

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'this-Is-Som3-paSsw0rd' --name 'ansible_password'

Ansible Vault encrypted variable output:

New Vault password: my-Gl0bal-Passw0rd
Confirm New Vault password: my-Gl0bal-Passw0rd
Encryption successful
ansible_password: !vault |
Use the above defined my-Gl0bal-Passw0rd global password example, for all encrypted settings, into your configuration files.

Insert the ansible_password encrypted output into all.yaml configuration file, while respecting the output indentation.


The @ symbol defined into -e (short definition for --extra-vars) option represents the filename root location.

Example of ansible_password variable decryption, with ansible command:

ansible localhost --ask-vault-pass -m debug \
  -a 'var=ansible_password' \
  -e '@inventory/cluster/group_vars/all.yaml'

Ansible Vault decrypted variable output:

Vault password: my-Gl0bal-Passw0rd
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_password": "this-Is-Som3-paSsw0rd"

Example of notify_url variable decryption, with ansible command:

ansible localhost --ask-vault-pass -m debug \
  -a 'var=kured_vars.kubernetes.configuration.slack.notify_url' \
  -e '@roles/kured/defaults/main.yaml'

Ansible Vault decrypted variable output:

Vault password: my-Gl0bal-Passw0rd
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "kured_vars.kubernetes.configuration.slack.notify_url": "slack://token"

Playbook Usage

Example of playbook execution, using the Ansible Vault global password:

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass provisioning.yaml

Ansible Vault global password prompt:

Vault password: my-Gl0bal-Passw0rd