Ubuntu Server

This repository uses Raspberry Pi’s as bare-metal hardware, therefore is recommended to install the latest Ubuntu Server LTS 24.04+ (64-bits) OS with Raspberry Pi Imager.

OS Installation

Each cluster node uses Ubuntu Server LTS 24.04+ (64-bits) OS installed, which is a requirement for Cilium. The apt package dependencies changed, compared to previous 22.04 release, therefore, 24.04+ release is enforced as minimal requirement.


Run the following command to install the Raspberry Pi Imager software:

brew install raspberry-pi-imager

OS General Settings

On each cluster node, under OS Customisation: General section, set only the hostname, username and password, as well the locale values:

OS General Settings: Imager General

Use the username defined above to set the ansible_username variable.

OS Services

On each cluster node, under OS Customisation: Services section, enable SSH with password authentication:

OS General Settings: Imager Services

Hostname Validation

Depending on what router you use, the hostname might not resolve correctly in Ubuntu. Prior cluster deployment, verify the hostname FQDN is correctly set.

Server Login

Login into one of the cluster nodes:

ssh apollo


Validate the /etc/hosts configuration:

cat /etc/hosts | grep apollo

If the output is as listed below, no action is required: apollo.local apollo
The Provisioning playbook will validate on each cluster node if the above format is respected, and correct it if needed.

You can check the detected server node FQDNs, by running:

hostname --all-fqdns

The output should be:

apollo.local apollo